One Song - Song Story
Do you have a song that reminds you of a special person, time or place?
Has a song ever helped you look at the world differently?
Is there a song that led you to a better understanding of yourself?
Music has always been my passion, and over the years, questions like these have stoked my curiosity. As an author, I’ve explored several genres - poetry, essays, fiction - to express the power of meaningful songs in our lives. Now I’m excited to dig a little deeper by using a technique that I’ve found successful for my books: listening to people’s stories about their relationship with music.
To help my research for this new book I’m asking you to think of one song that has had an impact on your life and then tell me one story of its impact. (I’ve heard from some people that they have too many songs to select just one. If that’s true for you, feel free to share more!) The story doesn’t have to be long; a paragraph is plenty, but you’re welcome to write more if there’s more to tell.
Once I’ve collected these stories, I’ll take a good look and listen to them in order to tell the global story of music's impact. If you would like to contribute, I’d be honored to hear your song and story. Tell me your song's story by filling out the form below:
Tell me your story!
Please fill out the form below, and tell me the story of your special song.
If you have questions, please contact me through my email at
And thank you in advance for helping me capture the power of One Song-One Story.